Sunday, September 7, 2014

Papaya juice can prevent constipation

Papayas, when soft, sweet and ripe are a delicacy. Papayas are native to Central America. Christopher Columbus called it – the fruit of the angles.

Constipation is a condition whereby the fecal matter traveling through the colon remains too long in the colon before traveling out of the rectum. Excessive consumption of devitalized and cooked foods, especially in incompatible combinations, results in sluggish bowels and chronic constipation.

Constipation is a symptom rather than a disease and is the most common digestive complaint.

Papaya encourages the appetite and helps digestion; it is a diuretic and prevents flatulence.

Papaya juice is helpful in preventing constipation.  Fresh juice is much better than canned juice. The juice help clear the urine and the digestive enzymes and bile are adequately released. Then there is no more constipation.

Papaya juice also provides relief from piles and also has anti-cancer properties.
Papaya juice can prevent constipation

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