Friday, April 18, 2014

Health benefits of cabbage juice

Cabbage, both red and green, is one of the least expensive of the vitamin-protective foods, and is one of the most healthful vegetables.

It was considered to be tonic and rejuvenator by the ancient Greeks, who also used it as a cure for baldness. The juice has a wonderful cleansing and reducing properties.

It excellent anti-putrefactive properties and makes it valuable as a body cleanser as well as in cases of obesity, constipation and scurvy.

A clinical study indicated that concentrated cabbage juice is significantly effective in healing peptic ulcers.

It is high in calcium, vitamin C. sulfur, vitamin A and much more. Cabbage juice is one of the largest sources of sulfur-containing amino acids.

Cabbage juice has also helped people with eczema, seborrhea and infection. The juice has a high iodine content which helps to regulate thyroid function and therefore can help with weight control.

The combination of the sulfur and chlorine causes a cleansing of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract but this only applies when cabbage juice is taken in its raw state without addition of salt. 

Cabbage juice has a cleansing effect on the mucous membranes lining the intestinal tract and the stomach, helps to regulate bowel function, and may aid in preventing stomach cancer.

The sulfur in cabbage juice can react with bacteria in the intestines, also causing mild intestinal cramping and gas. Excessive and/or gainful gas resulting from drinking cabbage juice may be a sign of too many accumulated toxins in the intestinal tract.

If experience these symptoms after drinking cabbage juice, try reducing the amount used by diluting it with other juices or spring water.

Raw cabbage juice can be added to raw carrot juice, it forms an excellent source of vitamin C as a cleansing medium, aiding particularly where infection of the gums is present resulting in pyorrhea.

Fresh cabbage juice is reported to have antibacterial activity and has been shown to inhibit the growth of various strains of lactic acid bacteria.

The antibacterial activity of fresh cabbage juice was reported to be higher and more consistent than heat treated cabbage juice.
Health benefits of cabbage juice

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