Monday, July 17, 2023

Pomegranate juice health benefits

The pomegranate fruit, originating from Iran to the Himalayan mountains of northern India, has been extensively cultivated across the Mediterranean region, Asia, Malaysia, East Indies, and tropical Africa.

Out of all processed products, pomegranate juice stands out as the most widely consumed. In commercial production, the juice is extracted by pressing either the whole fruit, still intact or quartered.

Pomegranate juice has the potential to serve as a potent natural defense against heart disease. The extract from pomegranate fruit juice possesses antioxidant properties and shows promise in preventing and treating vascular complications in diabetic patients.

Research has shown that regular consumption of pomegranate juice can prevent arterial thickening.

A study at the University of California confirms that the antioxidant capacity of pomegranate juice exceeds that of red wine or green tea by two to three times.

The antioxidant activity was found to be higher in commercial juices obtained from whole pomegranates compared to those extracted solely from arils. This suggests that industrial processing might extract some of the hydrolyzed tannins present in the fruit rind.

Pomegranate juice is commonly used in the beverage and liquor industries. Moreover, it can be transformed into jelly, used as a sauce to accompany kebabs, fish, and other dishes, act as a salad dressing, or serve as a meat marinade.
Pomegranate juice health benefits

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