Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Lulo fruit juice

The Lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam) are also referred to as Naranjilla de Quito and are botanically classified as Solanum quitoense. Lulo is a member of the nightshade family and is related to eggplants, tamarillo and tomatoes. The fruit is believed to have originated in Ecuador and grows in the Amazonian districts of that country as well as in Colombia and Peru.

Lulo pulp is used in yoghurt and ice cream and is used as an instant soluble powder for preparing juice.

The most popular use of the lulo is in the form of juice. The fruits are washed, the hairs are rubbed off, the fruits cut in half, the pulp squeezed into an electric blender and processed briefly; then the green juice is strained, sweetened, and served with ice cubes as a cool, foamy drink. Lulo juice is one of the most delightful, providing energy and quenching thirst; it should be drunk chilled.

In the 1760s, Juan de Santa Gertrudis Serra the Majorcan missionary wrote of the lulo fruit: ‘The fruit is very fresh in water with sugar, makes a freshening drink of which I may say it is the most delicious that I have tasted in the world.”

The fruit should be of a good size. It can be used either green or ripe but if it is too green, there will be no juice. The lulo, like most fruit in Colombia, is consumed in the form of juice. It also forms the base for champus and luladas, both delightful of Cali and Popayan.

The light-green, jelly-like juicy flesh of the lulo is aromatic and has a taste similar to pineapple or lemon. It is particularly healthy and contains calcium, phosphorous and iron. Due to the high vitamin C and vitamin A content, lulo is associated with boosting the immune system. Vitamin C and the carotenoids present are antioxidants that can help fight oxidative stress and clear free radicals from damaging the system.

Lulo sorbet is something of national drink in Colombia and it is made like lemonade: the freshly extracted juice is beaten with sugar into a foamy liquid that is green, heavy bodied, and sweet sour in flavor.
Lulo fruit juice

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