Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The benefits of chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat is a perennial flowering plant widely cultivated for use in a tea infusion and as a popular beverage due to its desirable taste and aroma.

As a mixture with other herbs, it has been claimed to be able to relieve migraines and eye irritation, improve vision, and cure keratitis.

The essential oils in chrysanthemum include borneol, camphor, and cineole, as well as other aromatic compounds. The flavones are considered valuable for promoting circulation; they may also have a role in protecting the lens of the eye in diabetic patients (by inhibiting the enzyme aldose reductase). The essential oils have antimicrobial activity and may explain the use of chrysanthemum for treating skin infections; the herb is considered especially useful for inhibiting staphylococcus.

Apart from the traditional usages, there are also reports of other usage, such as antitumor activities. Further, it has reported health benefits as chrysanthemum flowers possess anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, sedative, anti-arthritic,and anti-hypertensive effects.

The curing rates of ulcerative colitis and hypertension are reported to be more than 90% and 80% respectively. Chrysanthemum water extract was found to significantly inhibit growth of transplanted tumor in nude mice, suggesting that the water-soluble components of chrysanthemum may have potent chemopreventive effects.

It was also proved to be effective to inhibit the agglutination of blood platelet and promote the myocardial blood circulation and white cell phagocytosis, and therefore it was used to treat many diseases such as furuncle.

Although chrysanthemum is considered to be a “mild” herb and almost with no side effect in traditional medical practice, adverse effect has been reported with its flowers, and leaves may cause skin dermatitis.

Chrysanthemum flowers have also been demonstrated to produce various types of flavonoids, phenolic acids, and lignans, which have exhibited diverse biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, neuro-protective, and anti-allergic activities.

The properties and concentrations of such constituents are responsible for the functional characteristics of chrysanthemum.
The benefits of chrysanthemum tea

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