Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Energy drinks

Energy drinks refer to beverages that contain, besides calories, caffeine in combination with other presumed energy-enhancing ingredients such as taurine, herbal extracts, and B vitamins. Energy drinks are beverages that are marketed to enhance performance and boost energy.

The main ingredient of importance in an energy drink is usually caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and, at moderate intakes, can enhance endurance performance and concentration in adults.

Caffeine is a CNS (central nervous system) stimulant, and also has the ability to increase heart rate and blood pressure. While the caffeine concentration in an 8-­‐to 12-­‐oz. bottle is about 72 to 150 mg, the University of California Davis reports that larger-­‐size bottles may contain as much as 294 mg.

Energy drinks first appeared in Europe and Asia in the 1960s in response to consumer demand for a dietary supplement that would result in increased energy.

Today, majority of energy drinks are targeted at teenagers and young adults 18 to 34 year old due to this generation's on-the-go lifestyle and receptiveness to advertisements for these types of products.
Energy drinks

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